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  • MC.45: AI's European Dilemma — Innovation vs. Regulation

MC.45: AI's European Dilemma — Innovation vs. Regulation

AI developments in Europe: Llama 4 and Apple Intelligence absent. Explore the tension between innovation and regulation in the EU's AI landscape.

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Hey there,

Something weird is happening in the AI world, Llama 4 and Apple Intelligence aren't coming to Europe. What's going on?

It feels like big tech is playing chicken with European regulators. They're saying, "Change your rules, or we'll take our toys and go home." But can they really afford to ignore such a huge market?

I'm torn. Part of me wants AI to zoom ahead at full speed, minimal red tape. But then I think about our data, our privacy. Should we just hand over the keys to our digital lives and hope for the best?

Meta's trying to look good, saying Europeans can opt out of AI training. Sounds nice, right? But have you tried opting out of anything on Facebook? It's like trying to find the exit in an IKEA. They make it so hard, you give up and buy a BILLY bookcase instead.

European tech isn't sitting still. Companies like Mistral and H are valuable competitors. Mistral released Nemo today in partnership with NVIDIA, and there's billions being poured into European AI data centers, latest being Spain. Investors aren't backing down - they see opportunities with multiple local ecosystems.

But here's what keeps me up at night: can European local ecosystems rival the USA and China? Most of AI's value comes from funding and data. We’re steps behind at #1, and regulations make #2 hard.

Is there a middle ground? Can we have state-of-the-art innovation AND keep control over data usage? Or are we destined to choose between being left behind or being digital cattle?

What do you think? Are European regulators right to pump the brakes, or should they get out of the way? Hit reply and let me know your thoughts.



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