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  • MC.26: Reddit's Data Goldmine and Microsoft's 1-bit LLM Revolution

MC.26: Reddit's Data Goldmine and Microsoft's 1-bit LLM Revolution

Reddit's new revenue stream, Microsoft's game-changing 1-bit LLM, Anthropic's Claude 3 Family, Klarna's leap in customer service, and the potential of email interfaces for LLMs.

modern chaos issue 26

Modern chaos is a newsletter exploring tech and AI through the journey of a dev agency turning into a startup studio. We share our notes, analysis, and experiments.

Hi everyone,

Last week, an interesting piece of news slipped into the public domain. Reddit, the vast online community, is gearing up to go public. Amidst the figures and forecasts, one detail stood out: about 10% of their revenue, roughly $60 million, comes from selling data to train LLMs.

"By the end of the year, we expect our growing data advantage and intellectual property to continue to be a key element in the training of future LLMs," Reddit stated. This signals a seismic shift in how the internet might operate in the not-so-distant future that Tom Tunguz covers in his post.

Why should you care?

In my last newsletter, I touched on the significant impact of a single contract accounting for 10% of a company's revenue. But Reddit's case opens up a broader conversation. The value of human-generated data and content is skyrocketing. Companies that possess unique, hard-to-replicate data might find themselves sitting on a goldmine

What's driving this change? LLMs.

LLMs can generate human-like text, translate languages, summarize information, and much more. Their capabilities are impressive, but their hunger for data is insatiable.

As LLMs evolve, the demand for diverse, rich, and nuanced data sets grows. This is where platforms like Reddit come into play. With millions of users discussing every topic under the sun, Reddit's data is a treasure trove for training LLMs.

This shift towards valuing data for LLM training has profound implications:

1. Data becomes a revenue stream. Companies traditionally reliant on advertising or subscriptions can now monetize their data directly by contributing to the training of LLMs.

2. A new competitive edge emerges. Securing unique, high-quality data might become as crucial as product innovation or customer service.

3. The internet's business model transforms. We might witness a transition from ad-based models to data-driven models, where the value of content is directly linked to its utility in training AI.

Some questions arise, how will companies protect user privacy while monetizing their data? How will this shift affect the average internet user? I imagine we’ll get the answers in the next 5 years.


In this issue:

🔮 Microsoft: The Era of 1-bit LLMs
🎭 Anthropic: The Claude 3 Family
🛍️ Klarna: A Game-Changer AI assistant in Customer Service
📧 Email: The Underappreciated LLM Interface
🖌️ LanguageGUI: A New UI Kit for LLMs
🔐 Open Source AI: A Trust Issue?
🚀 OpenAI and Elon Musk: A Public Dispute
🤔 Tom Tunguz: What Happens When AI Performance Asymptotes?
✉️ AI Open Letter: A Call for a Better Future
🌱 AI Startups Need Fresh Strategies

Updates & tools

Microsoft: The Era of 1-bit LLMs
Welcome to BitNet b1.58, a 1-bit LLM. Yes, you read that right. This breakthrough from Microsoft could redefine efficiency in AI models. It promises high performance at a fraction of the usual cost, energy, and space requirements. What’s even more exciting is the potential for new, optimized hardware just for these models. This could be a game-changer for how and where AI can be implemented. Keep an eye on this space; we're in for a ride. MORE

Anthropic: The Claude 3 Family
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Email: The Underappreciated LLM Interface
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