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  • MC.13: TLDRAW's augmented canvas, Amazon's New AI Chatbot, and AI's influence on organizations

MC.13: TLDRAW's augmented canvas, Amazon's New AI Chatbot, and AI's influence on organizations

This week, we discover TLDRAW's canvas experiment, Amazon's venture into AI chatbots for businesses, and how organizations are restructuring to integrate AI as a collaborative team member, alongside META's Cicero AI.

modern chaos issue 13

Modern chaos is a newsletter exploring tech and AI through the journey of a dev agency shifting from services to product design. We share our notes, analysis and experiments.

In this issue:

🖌️ TLDRAW: Draw a UI and Make It Real
🧠 GAIA: A Benchmark for General AI Assistants
💼 Amazon: A Powerful AI Chatbot for Businesses
🤖 Anthropic: Claude 2.1
💻 Neovim: Complete Guide to iOS & Mac Development
🤝 META: Cicero, An AI Negotiating with Humans
🚀 Big TAM Founders, Small TAM Startups
🌌 Stable Diffusion XL Turbo: Real-Time Generation
🌳 Reshaping the Tree: Rebuilding Organizations for AI

Tech updates & tools

TLDRAW: Draw a UI and Make It Real
If you have one thing to try this week, this is it. It’s a canvas transformed into a conversation space where you and the AI can workshop an idea together. The result is an HTML mockup, styled with Tailwind, and uses Javascript to add interactivity. MORE | PLAYGROUND

GAIA: a benchmark for General AI Assistants
A benchmark that’s hard on LLMs but easy for humans to solve. GPT-4 falls short, achieving only a 15% success rate, whereas humans reach 92%. The researchers have setup a leaderboard on HuggingFace. It will be interesting to see the progress of this one. MORE | LEADERBOARD

Amazon: A Powerful AI Chatbot for Businesses
Following Google and Microsoft, Amazon enters the game with Q. This system appears highly advanced, covering many business use cases. You can create custom apps and connect with well-known data sources and external services. It feels like a finished product, far from being a MVP. MORE | Contact Center Preview

Anthropic: Claude 2.1
A significant update to their AI model, now featuring an industry-leading 200,000 token context window with enhanced accuracy. Big step for enterprises: it handles vast data like codebases and financials documents. MORE

Neovim: Complete Guide to iOS & Mac Development
It’s always refreshing to read tutorials about ditching Xcode. I’ve had my part in finding ways to use Emacs for Mac Development and I’m always thrilled to see others sharing their experience. MORE

META: Cicero, an AI Negociating with Humans
The first AI to play at a human level in Diplomacy, a strategy game that requires building trust, negotiating and cooperating with multiple players. CICERO achieved more than double the average score of the human players and ranked in the top 10% of participants who played more than one game. MORE

Big TAM Founders, Small TAM Startups
Want to boost your startup's success? Focus on a smaller, more manageable project even if you have the skills for something bigger. It's about smart, low-risk moves and setting yourself up for bigger challenges later. MORE

Stable Diffusion XL Turbo: Real-Time Generation
The demo showcases the generation of images at each keystroke. I can’t think of a better feedback loop. The cherry-on-top? It works on a consumer-grade GPU. REDDIT | GITHUB

Reshaping the Tree: Rebuilding Organizations for AI
AI's influence on org structure is profound: As we adapt, managers must actively shape AI integration, like early telegraph days reshaped ra
ilroads. Viewing AI as a team member, not just a tool, demands new methods and anticipates rapid advancements in AI. MORE


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